Raising the Screen Generation

‘Screen time’ one of the most common trends today, for good or worst….?

Where is my mobile? First switch off the T.V…go and study!…No, I will not go; I want my mobile first… I have to check something. These types of conversations/arguments have become a part of our daily lives. These days, screen (visual media/stimulation) has become a necessity and a habit across all age groups and not just children.

Virtually everywhere, controlling the screen time for kids takes tremendous efforts and is very challenging. When it comes to managing your kids’ screen time, the best approach is always setting fair rules, enforcing them consistently, and communicating regularly.

So first, as a parent you need to limit your own screen time! Are you prepared?

Kids use screen time for various reasons, sometimes it’s for playing, sometimes for developing social connections, sometimes even for educational purposes… nothing bad here. However, passive screen time where they are just watching videos without any purpose, just for the sake of watching something… this is where you make sure your kids’ habit is not slowly becoming an addiction. Passive screen time should not affect or be given priority over play time, family time or studies. If it does, it can have alarming consequences.

“Screens can become a comfort blanket, once in, it becomes difficult to get out of it”. Hence it is important to seek out interactive options on the screens, parental controls or blocks, making your child digitally literate about the rights and wrongs/ advantages and disadvantages.

Parents can use the screen time to connect with their children, show interest in what they like. Preview the shows, games, etc which the child indulges in, interact and discuss the different things they like on screen.

To add to it, create tech-free zones, such as no mobile at the dining table or in the bedroom. Be a role model for your child, keep some schedule for your own screen time as well because they are watching you and following you.

Organise family time activities, plan games or outings where smart phones should stay in a basket. Of-course you cannot keep kids occupied all the time, it’s ok for them to be doing nothing at times, in fact it is a proved fact that boredom has led to many creative thoughts and ideas. So, teach children it’s ok to be idle sometimes.

Managing your child’s screen time seems to be a grim task, but very much required and cannot be overlooked or discarded as a fad of the era.

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