Mental Health is a Taboo: Get rid of it

Hey, I am getting depressed..why do you think so?

I am not getting sleep.. I have negative thoughts

What negative thoughts! i think you are overthinking…stop that all thinking.. you will get sleep or do one thing have some drink you will get sound sleep..

No yaar, I am serious I think I need to seek some professional help…Helloo bro, wake up! what professional help nothing is happening with you! chill !! you are looking totally fine and you are not mad! so common, no need to go and if you will go to professionals then also nothing will change and if you prefer to go , what people will think about you that are you mad or what?

Yes I think you are write! I should not go, I think it will go automatically.

These types of conversation we hear or we give the advice to others.

But here my question is why people have the stigma or taboo about mental health or why people are ignoring it?If any person is suffering from any types of physical health, we are more concerned towards them but if anyone is talking about their mental health no one is taking it seriously .

So Why mental health Stigma/ Taboo:-

Mental health Stigma/Taboo refers to societal disapproval, or when society places shame on people who live with a mental illness or seek help for emotional distress, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or PTSD.

The pressure of mental health stigma can come from family, friends, coworkers, and society on a broader level. Groups can also politicize stigma. It can prevent people living with mental illness from getting help, fitting into society, and leading happy and comfortable lives.

If anyone goes to their loved ones to share their problems, mostly answers come like don’t overthink it, let’s go for a party and have whiskey, these are so silly issues which you overthink about, etc etc…

Why we can not listen them or can refer them to professionals ? then one day comes , it converts into the mental disorder which is more dangerous.

Mostly , I have clients they used to say he/she has an emotional disturbance problem or distress and not able to cope with it , please see ,so at that time I feel very happy that people are coming upfront and telling this way..But later on ,if client is not there, their loved one comes to me and tells me that please tell her /him that nothing is there, just you are thinking much, so,this is happening then I asked ,why ? so thry say ,because she is bachelor, no one will marry her or my son got new job if people will get to know he might lose his job. But in that, my question is ,these all things come later if they are mentally fine , if they will be provided with the wrong information/consultation, they might achieve what they need but in future they have to suffer with it.

Some questions I have, if possible please ask yourself and give honest reply:-

  1. What if people come to know about your mental health issue?
  2. What are the reasons that keep you far from professionals?
  3. Why people are prolonging their mental health issues?
  4. If someone will come to you with their problems what will you do?

So above questions are for you to understand your insights about the Taboo or stigma.

What are the red flags for your disturbed mental health?

Most red-flag behaviors will fall into one of three categories.

  • Physical functioning
  • Are they sleeping too much or not enough?
  • Have their eating patterns changed?
  • Have their energy patterns changed, such as a person who typically is energetic acting lethargic or someone who exercises regularly seeming fatigued?
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